Bible Study on the Book of Jonah

Welcome to Out of Darkness. On this page, you’ll find the free lesson for the book.

Signs and Wonder

Lesson 1

Matthew 12:38-41 & Luke 11:29-32

1) Jonah was a prophet with his own book in the Bible regarding God’s command and the prophet’s interesting response. The rest of Out of Darkness will cover his story in more detail, however, this lesson will traverse the few times that Jonah was mentioned outside of his own book. Before getting started write and share at least one thing you know about Jonah.

2) The main theme from Out of Darkness comes from the scripture listed below. What message is given, and how can it apply to the modern-day church?
1 Peter 2:9-10

3) In the book of Kings, Jonah is mentioned to give a message to one of the rulers of Israel. Who is the King and how does the Bible describe this monarch?
2 Kings 14:23-24

4) What was the result of Jonah’s message and why did God do this for the people?
2 Kings 14:25-27

5) Jeroboam was not the best person or leader for his people, yet God still blessed them. Why do you believe God would help the people despite the behavior of their leader?

6) Despite bad leadership, God wanted to help the community. Read the scriptures below and describe God’s favor towards His people.
Isaiah 49:10-13 Deuteronomy 30:1-4 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

7) When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He was often moved to help people. What emotions or feelings prompted Him to help others?
Matthew 14:13-14 Matthew 20:29-34 Luke 7:11-17

8) What does the Bible say we should do and exhibit towards one another?
Ephesians 4:31-32 1 Peter 3:8-9 Zechariah 7:8-10

9) Without giving too much away, Jonah was not exactly a sympathetic or compassionate person to those he did not like. It’s a big reason why he wanted to run from God’s plan, and the book will get into that later. Nevertheless, from a personal standpoint, and after what was just read, in what ways is God calling the modern-day church to show compassion or exhibit sympathetic behavior?

10) Describe how a community can benefit from a loving and compassionate church?

11) Jonah is also mentioned in the new testament by Jesus Christ. Read the verses below and describe Christ’s message.
Matthew 12:38-41 Matthew 16:4 Luke 11:29-32

12) From question eleven, what lesson can the modern-day church learn and use?

13) The leadership at that time was only interested in the information that Jesus gave for selfish reasons. It wasn’t about being prepared or having a relationship with God. Their desire was to do what they want until signs are given of the end. Once that happens then a change in lifestyle was going to be made. Explain why this behavior and mindset would be appalling in God’s eyes for a person to have? What are the downsides of living a life in debauchery, pride, and selfishness until the signs of the end are revealed?

14) Before continuing to read the book of Jonah what is God’s recommendation to the people?
Luke 6:46-49 John 10:25-30 Proverbs 2:1-6

Just A Thought

There are a variety of storm warning systems to help inform and protect various people across the nation. Meteorologists use complex mathematics, data analysis, and previous models to give accurate information for their viewers living in their region. These weather centers inform people when a destructive thunderstorm, hail, tornado, sandstorm, or hurricane is quickly approaching their home. It provides approximate data in the amount of rain, snow, and ice. As well as relay when the weather is pleasant, sunny, and clear. Regardless of the information given, weatherpeople give approximate predictions to what will happen so the city can be prepared. When the people requested Christ for a sign of the end times, the assumption is that they wanted a similar spiritual warning system as our storm warnings. However, this was not the case.

Jesus Christ saw through the malaise of fake rhetoric and questions. He realized they did not want to prepare for the end. Instead, what they wanted was to learn when the end would happen and change when certain “signs” appeared. Basically, they didn’t want a true relationship with God. Just enough of a friendly reminder that God still exists. Jesus did not want to give them a sign as a reward for their own selfishness. The goals of any warning system are to help people be prepared for impending doom, struggle, or how to navigate one’s life through the day. If Christ read their hearts and saw with sincerity that they wanted to prepare for the impending destruction, then He would have had a strong desire to give them a sign in preparation for the end.