This is taken from one of the short stories in the novel.

The Golden Image
Part 1
The morning forest came alive with the fresh scent of dew and soil in the air. There’s dampness in the air. It covers the clothes and filters into your lungs.
The air presses my body but makes me sharp. Especially for the sport at hand.

They lied about the not hurting part. Granted the vest protects the internal organs, but my extremities took a beating. This time I’m prepared. I made sure to
wear extra clothes under my pants and shirt, even though it’s the start of July. The cooling air is refreshing for this time of year.

As a group, we need this fun time activity. We have been working all year long on Vice President Jason Templeton’s presidential candidacy. To most on the
staff, he’s a shoe-in to win because of his overwhelming popularity while being the vice president. Still V.P. Templeton does not take this lightly and wants to
show America that he’s serious about running the country.

Vice President Templeton told us, his staff, a story about an event that formed his life. Twenty-five years ago he chose the wrong prom date and it almost
landed him in prison. From there he learned to put himself in the best position to flourish. He’s very thankful that his friend at the time, now current wife, was
there for him through the accusation.

A hand touches my arm and then covers my mouth to muffle the scream. I turn around to see Aaron Trudeau Jr. We call him AJ because he’s named after
his dad. AJ is very proud to carry his father’s name. Aaron senior survived an avalanche with a few other people from my hometown of Sheridan Falls on
Mount Cadeyrn. AJ figured the survival gene is strong in his family, which will help in this game of paintball.

“You gotta be more aware Sherwood,” AJ says. I nod. AJ thinks he’s some military specialist because he watches war movies and plays video games. “Those
Zebras could’ve gotten you.”

Our staff decides to split in two different teams with Vice President Templeton joining in the fun. He’s in his 40’s and great physical shape. Because of his
high ranking, our paintball team colors are gold and white instead of neon green and blue. The gold and white is an homage to the Brent High Unicorns,
which like him, was my alma mater as well.

The Zebras, or Ice Zebras, shoot the white balls where our team has the gold.  We named ourselves the Golden Stags. Kind of strange, but it makes it more
fun. “Your uncle is no joke and will pop you on site,” AJ whispers. By Uncle, he means Vice President Templeton. When it come to family functions I call him
Uncle Jason, but at work, it’s all business. Most of the staff doesn’t know my relationship with him because I don’t want to be treated differently.

Aunt Marcy, Uncle Jason’s wife is the younger sister to my dad, Felix.  Uncle Jason and I are close but his job kept him away from Sheridan Falls most of the
time. I did get to hang out with my cousin, Jarius, who is the V.P.’s only son. Even though Jarius didn’t go to Brent, we are still close and he joined his father’s
staff as well. The paintball outing was his idea.

“I know,” I tell AJ. “Trust me, I’m vigilant. Glad Jarius is on our team.”

AJ smile and nods. He starts to stand and points to himself and then towards the left. He points to me and then to the right. I understand what he wants. AJ
and I go in our separate ways with our paintball guns ready. We’re looking for anyone in the general military fatigues given by the company and vests with
the white matching arm bands. We all have helmets with eye shields. Vice-President Templeton can’t have people going blind during a fun excursion while he
runs for the highest office.

I see something white in the distance and shoot a few rounds. Then my heart stops, someone took their extra white band and tied it to the tree. Once I realize
my mistake, I immediately drop and roll but am hit three times in the leg.

Even with the extra pants that still stung. I roll some more and look in the direction of where the shots were fired. Jessica Rodriguez is running at me with her
gun aimed and ready. I reach for my weapon and she fires more paintballs. It hits my gun, arm, shoulder, and a few in the chest.

“I’m done,” I yell. She has me. I stop reaching for the gun. I can’t see her deep brown eyes through the visor, but know she is very happy.

Jessica comes from a military background. Her grandfather and dad were in the army. She herself joined the Navy to take after her mom’s profession.
Jessica is older then me by seven years but hangs out with most of the staff closer to my age.

I look to my right and past her shoulder. She can’t see my eyes focus on an image behind her because of the shields. I see a teammate of mine and they are
waiting. On my back, I lift my hands up.

“A little help,” I ask.

“Sure,” Jessica responds. She points her gun up with one hand and helps me stand with the other. I slowly get up realizing how much my leg hurts. Being
shot like that isn't fun.

“Thanks Jessica, you’re real good at…” before I can finish Jessica looks at my visor and sees someone running in our direction.

Jessica turns around and fires but misses her target. The person running, my teammate does not. She's shot three times in the chest and knows it’s over.

“Thanks Sherwood,” Jarius says.


“Is that anyway to treat your girlfriend,” Jessica says.

Jarius walks in close, grabs Jessica from the back, and pulls her close. He gently presses his helmet against hers symbolizing a kiss.

“You can take the helmets off for a brief moment, idiot,” Jessica says playfully. Jarius laughs some and takes her up on the suggestion. They kiss and put
their helmets on.

“Meet you back at H.Q.,” Jarius says. He crouches some and run back in the same direction he came from. Jessica and I look at one another and sigh. We
walk back in the direction of the Safety zone, or H.Q. as Jarius calls it, with our hands in the air. This is the place where we can go and wait for the other
‘killed’ players.

“That was a nice play you did,” Jessica says.

“You shot me.”

“But asking for help to get up, smart.”

“My leg does hurt,” I respond. “Look at me, I’m limping.”

Jessica waves her hand in disgust. “Please that’s nothing. You should see some of the scars on my leg from service.”

I pause and then sigh. “I bet its something,” I say.

“Especially on my calf.”


“You think Vice President Templeton will win,” Jessica asks. “I like my job and talking with Jarius, he seems real passionate about helping America.”

“He’s great,” I respond. “I know its July, but his popularity is huge. He can almost do anything and the people will back him.”

“You’re right. That makes more sense.”

“What does,” I ask. We continue walking through the forest zone getting closer to the safety area.

“Hmm, not sure if I should say,” Jessica begins, “but you’re close to Jarius and V.P. Templeton.”

“Yeah, you can say that,” I respond. She doesn’t know that I’m family. Jarius was going to tell everyone but I asked him not too. Only AJ knows and that’s
because he knew me before the political office.

“Vice President Templeton is working on a new vision of America.”

“Every president, or should I say, all new presidents has their ideas.”

“No, this is big. Country altering,” Jessica responds.

“Like how Lincoln changed America,” I ask jokingly.


I stop. She pauses with me. She can tell I’m in shock but we both continue. “What are you talking about? Are there slaves?”

“Not like that Sherwood,” Jessica says. “But Templeton will unify this country. He’s tired of what has happened. Now that current President Randolph got the
country in great economic standing, Templeton will lead it to where it’s supposed to be. According to him.”

“I see,” I say with some confusion. We reach the safety zone and grab some sodas. We meet up with other co-workers with various paint stains. It looks like
there are a few more Zebras then Stags so I'm hoping we'll win. After sipping on a red soda, my thoughts go to what Jessica told me. My mind is trying not to
worry, but begins to think about what Uncle Jason is planning. I just hope it’s only a fairy tale and not real.

My legs are sore abut I make my way to a couch near the window. I sip some more on the soda and sigh. I hope Vice President Templeton is not doing what I
have heard. I can’t imagine my political career starting with his unity plan. In Lincoln’s time, the issue was political and civil rights. What possible way will my
Uncle unify the country? I sit for a moment sip on the soda while looking out the window. The answer hits my mind faster then Jessica snuck up on me. I have
an idea on his new plan for America.